Nevada is currently ranked one of the lowest in the nation across all measures of academic performance. This includes preschool enrollment, reading and math skills, and high school completion. The Children’s Advocacy Alliance believes a multi-pronged approach to promoting equity and access for all children is the best way to improve Nevada’s performance. We know that providing children with a sound academic foundation will lead to less intervention and remediation in later grades – ultimately resulting in increased rates of graduation and success in adulthood.
Our Goal
Children’s Advocacy Alliance has developed partnerships that promote high quality early childhood care and education as well as robust afterschool programs. We believe that to move the needle in education in Nevada, we need to:
- Promote access to high-quality, affordable, early learning and child-care opportunities for all children.
- Promote business involvement in early learning through tax incentive programs that reward businesses that offer child care stipends for employees, site-based care, promotion and use of FSA programs, and others.
- Increase child care subsidy eligibility to ensure that more working families can afford care and increasing the state child care development fund contribution, including the use of current market rates to determine subsidy reimbursements.
- Create alignment between all early childhood systems including early childhood educators, health services providers, social services providers, and parents.

The Children’s Advocacy Alliance is committed to ensuring that every child in Nevada has the opportunity to enter school ready to learn. Specific details of how Nevada performs compared to other states in Education and school readiness can be found in the KidsCount databook.