The purpose of Children’s Week is to represent Nevada’s Children and help strengthen families in areas such as school readiness, children’s physical and mental health, and child safety and security. For the past six legislative sessions, over 80 different non-profit, corporate, philanthropic, and state agencies and organizations have joined together as we strengthened Nevada’s families by sharing a commitment to improve our communities through events and outreach efforts aimed at promoting the health, safety, and well-being of our children.

Join us March 16 as we host Safety Day!

Safety Day Schedule

8-10 am: Breakfast, Room 3100

8:15 am: Welcome to Safety Day and Description of Safety Programming –  Children’s Advocacy Alliance Nevada

8:30 am: Age Appropriate Design Information Session

8 am: Assembly Judiciary Committee, Room 3138

8 am: Assembly Ways and Means Committee, Room 3137

8 am: Senate Finance Committee, Room 21359am


Brief Advocacy Training/Review Room 3100

Poetry Activity Room 3100

11 am: Senate Floor Session, Room 1216

11:30amAssembly Floor Session, Room 1108

12-2 pm: Networking 

12:30 pm: Lunch, Room 3100

Trauma Informed Care Info Session – Raise the Future
Selena Torres Campus Safety Bill Info Session
Cecilia Gonzalez Custodial Interrogations Bill Info Session

1 pm: Senate Judiciary Committee, Room 2135

1:30 pm: Assembly Education Committee, Room 3138

3:30 pm: Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Room 2134

4:00 pm: Closing – Holly Welborn and DaShun Jackson; Children’s Advocacy Alliance Nevada, Room 3100